sam lowry

sam lowry, played by jonathan pryce, is responsible for the madness we see in the film brazil. i believe the the whole film takes place within sam's mind as he is being tortured by his once friend jack lint. as jack pokes and prods at sam's brain, what we are watching in the film, are the events that leed up to sam's capture and position in the operating chair. at the beginning of the film, the character harry tuttle, is shown carrying out the initial terrorist activities of tampering with supply ducts and the destruction of other government property. towards the end of the film, as jack is making progress, we begin to see sam doing more and more of the terrorist activities first hand, like his reckless and destructive driving though the city, as well as the destruction of the information retrieval headquarters. sam lowry is also around when other explosions take place in the film (further connecting him to these activities) which include the explosion in the restaurant and... his own... car?... I don't quite have an explanation for that.

